Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the SureMark Digital Identity Service?

A: SureMark™ Digital is an online service company that allows high-visibility individuals to establish and protect their digital identity.  

Q: How does the SureMark Digital Identity Service Work?

A: SureMark™ Digital verifies your identity in an online setting. Applying for a SureMark™ ID is a simple and straightforward process, ensuring the highest level of integrity. There are a few phases in the application process, steps to help validate your identity and the identity of 2 sponsors who will endorse you.

The process begins with verifying the email address of the applicant with a one time password (OTP). Then the real fun begins! One of the clearest ways to ensure the identity of an applicant is by conducting 2 online video interviews with the applicant and each of their sponsors. A SureMark Digital Team member will moderate these interviews that are intended to be casual and fun. Videos are then available for review and approval by the applicant and sponsors, and then posted on one of their respective social media accounts. This further establishes an applicant’s identity by demonstrating control of their social media platform. Once the videos are posted, the social links are shared with SureMark Digital via our application portal and viola… you’re on your way to getting your SureMark ID.

Q: How does SureMark Digital differ from other software and services to detect or prevent AI deepfakes?

A: Many systems are currently available to address AI deepfakes. Others are in various stages of development. Broadly speaking, there are two types: those that use AI to detect AI deepfakes and those that seek to establish a history of changes made from inception on digital content.

We respect these many efforts and, wherever possible, will be working in cooperation with them.

SureMark's Digital Identity Service accomplishes something different, though related.  It allows vetted, verified individuals to mark or authorize their content in such a way that interested viewers can easily and freely validate whether a particular piece of digital content was, in fact, created by the registered individual, no matter where it appears on the internet.  The question addressed is not whether the content is real or fake, but whether a given verified individual is the content creator.

Q: Who pays for SureMark Digital's services?

A: Successful applicants for a SureMark Digital ID pay a one-time fee for five years of coverage in order to authorize the content they create. It is free and simple for any followers who have installed the extension to validate the digital content.

Q: Who should apply for a SureMark ID?

A: SureMark Digital focuses on high-visibility individuals, such as government officials, candidates for public office, journalists, and others with large social media followings.  In other words, those most likely to be the subject of a deepfake or other attempts to profit off of misrepresenting or misappropriating someone’s digital identity.  Currently, application for a SureMark ID is by invitation only.  Over time, the application process will be opened to an increasingly wider range of individuals.  If you wish to be considered for registration, you may be added to a waitlist by choosing the Application Form pull-down menu item under the Apply tab at